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miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Tour of the Mission - 13-15 November 2013

In November, 2013, Elder & Sister Valenzuela, accompanied by Elder & Sister Miron, toured the mission and instructed the missionaries. The emphasis of their visit to the mission is that the missionaries need to find more people to teach. Using a 4 foot stick, and working with missionaries who volunteered to spontaneously demonstrate their teaching skills and methods, Elder Valenuzuela placed one missionary at one end of the stick and the other end of the stick, pointing out that one missionary stood for teaching and the other for finding. He told them each to pull on the stick from their end with the end result being a stand off, or balance, between the two missionaries. He then taught the importance of ¨teaching to find¨and ¨finding to teach¨, placing emphasis on the harmony between teaching and finding. He encouraged each missionary to raise his or her expectations to ask investigators and members alike, while teaching them, to think of someone who would benefit from the gospel message. He also asked each missionary to raise his or her expectations of finding people to teach through their own efforts on the streets, in the buses, and everywhere.