On February 7, 2013, the mission received a surprise invitation to be taught by Elder Dallin H. Oaks in the Stake Center on Temple Grounds in Mexico City. Missionaries traveled to Temple Grounds with their respective zones, some for more than two hours, and were seated in the chapel well ahead of Elder Oaks arrival. Elder Oaks spent a few moments sharing humorous insights with the missionaries, and then spoke to the purpose of his visit. He challenged them to think differently about their efforts to find people to teach. He commented on his fondness for fishing, and noted that when he fishes while leisurely enjoying his companions and the elements, he puts his fishing line in late in the morning and pulls it out early in the afternoon, and doesn't catch too many fish. But when he gets to a fishing hole early, and puts his line in the water early and leaves it there until evening, he catches a passel of fish. He encouraged the missionaries to be strictly obedient and to diligently contact people from morning until evening, and promised them blessings of finding many more people to teach as they did so. The missionaries have since followed his counsel and been abundantly blessed with people to teach. Elder Oaks commented afterwards on the excellence of the missionaries in attendance.