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sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Future Missionaries - 31 May 2014

By: Elder L. Lauritzen

"And by the weak things of the earth the Lord shall thresh the nations by the power of his Spirit.
-DyC 133:59

When someone mentions missionary activity, normally what comes to mind is to have a Family Home Evening or movie and invite some people to come and learn more. Usually, the result is that very few are not members. But the Tecalco stake had another vision. The members of the high council planned an outstanding activity. Preparations began weeks ago when children each Ward opened and accepted his personal mission call. On Saturday, May 31, they reported as Eldercitos and Sistercitos in the chapel at Tepetlixpa. They were welcomed by the mission president, President Crickmore Sr. and his wife. Then they were trained how to teach and how to contact. Each child was placed with their respective
companion, and assigned to a village to find and teach a specific family and contact people on the street. They were doing missionary work as it really is. The children were transported to their respective villages and arrived eager to work! More than 150 children were on the streets looking for souls for the Lord. Their enthusiasm was somewhat amazing. All the leaders of the children enjoyed sharing something so dear to them. They taught of God's Plan and the importance of families. They gave out flyers and invited people to listen to the missionaries and come and see.
After proselyting for two hours, all the children came back to report. They had visited more than one hundred families and found more than thirty new people who agreed to receive the message of the missionaries. Finally, some of the missionaries gave a brief overview of your experience and your testimony. Certainly the children understood the importance of the work they did, and will this activity will have impact on them throughout their lives.We can always learn from young children. And in this case, we can all accept the call of a living prophet with the same vigor that the children of the Tecalco stake accepted and served in their own missionary assignment. May we all open our mouths and share the treasure we have.