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miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Missionary Pioneers - New Senior Couple

Elder José and his wife Hermana Anna Alvarado received their call as Senior Missionaries and were set apart this evening. Los Alvarado are called to serve for a period of at least 12-months or until they return to service at the México City Temple. They will serve as a Full-Time Senior Couple (Matrimonio Mayor) assigned to the México City Chalco Mission living at home.

This is an historic moment for the Misión Chalco and for the México City area in general. Los Alvarado are the first native speaking Senior Missionary Couple to be called from the area while living at home.

Los Alvarado have been helping as volunteers in the Mission Office since the first part of January 2014. With their call as full-time missionaries, Los Alvarado will train and take over several of the Mission Office responsibilities and help the Office Elders have time in the field.

In addition to their Mission Office assignments, Los Alvarado will work with the Porvenir Ward, their home ward, and the Chalco Stake in the Work of Salvation (la Obra de Salvación). Los Alvardo will also help train and mentor new Senior Missionaries and Couples that will be receiving missionary calls to serve in the México City Chalco Misión.

Los Alvarado are also pioneers in the Church in México helping in the growth of the Church from little Branches to large Wards and Stakes. Standing in the middle front of this photo is Sister Alavardo as a child with her family before they became members of the Church.