Tuesday, March 18th and Friday, March 21st, the Misión Chalco held combined Zone Conferences in the Chalco Stake Center. The Zones of Solidaridad, Meyehaulco and Ixtapaluca participated on Tuesday. The Zones of Chalco, Mixquic and Volcanes participated on Friday.
Elder Miron, Area Seventy, and his wife attended and participated in both Conference sessions.
President Crickmore conducted the main Zone Conference sessions with six of the seven Senior Missionaries currently serving in the Mission Office in attendance on Friday.
Sister Crickmore gave a presentation in both sessions on the topics of cleaning the missionary residences and personal hygiene. She shared some tips on cleaning apartments and the importance of getting rid of trash. Also, there should not be collections of old missionary clothing or other items left by missionaries leaving the mission. She shared a personal experience during a Baptismal Service in which the feet of the missionaries smelled so strongly that it was a distraction to the service.
Elder Miron, the Area Seventy assigned to the Mision Chalco, continued the discussion regarding missionary residences and personal experiences they have had hosting missionaries in their home. He mentioned they were returing to their home after the conference to clean up the mess the missionaries had left. Sister Miron had some helpful tips and comments about personal hygiene and what to do when there are bedbugs in the missionary residence.
Elder Miron, the Area Seventy assigned to the Mision Chalco, then spoke to the importance of following our leaders in the Mexico Area, of striving to accomplish goals set by the Area Presidency, and the overarching importance of setting intermediate goals to help us in reaching the ultimate goal of each missionary baptizing every week of his or her mission. We often say in the Mision Chalco that Elder Miron is one of Mexico´s great treasures, and he proved that again in speaking to and inspiring the missionaries.
At the conclusion of their remarks, the Presidents hosted a sandwich lunch which was enjoyed by all attendees.
After lunch, the missionaries divided into two groups for special training. The two groups rotated between classes so that all would have the opportunity to participate in the training and practice.
On Friday, in addition to the sessions for the Full-Time Missionaries, the Senior Missionaries divided into a separate planning session.